Vet breaks glass ceiling, Young Farmer of the Year

We had Lloyd McCall of the Pomahaka Catchment Group come and speak to a room full of rural professionals earlier in the month and he caught the mood perfectly.
Lloyd had to leave for another meeting after an hour with us, but the interest was such that it could have gone on till midnight. Questions and answers were flowing like Speights at an after-match barbeque.
Lloyd’s message is that the Pomahaka success is due to ‘farmers helping farmers’ and that it had to come from the heart, he said, thumping his chest.
“We are doing it for the next generation, and generations to come. We are doing it for love.”
Lloyd is keen for the message to get across to townies, for them to hear about the success of farmers helping farmers which in turn helps everyone down the line. That is you and me.
Whether you are a farmer, ex-farmer, rural professional or townie, have a good, long look at the Pomahaka Water Care Group website.
Check out all the tabs at this website including the Useful Links tab which has some really interesting videos.
Good on you Lloyd and good on you Pomahaka Water Care Group.
Something worth backing.
Keep asking great questions …