We have an answer to the tariff problem

Clients and friends are increasingly telling me that there is going to be a world-wide recession.
And anecdotally it is making them less likely to take risks with their money, both in their businesses and with their investments.
Here is my response, "Of course there will be another recession. They come and go from time to time. But I have no idea when and Neither. Does. Anyone. Else."
People read something in the media and it nags away at them. Everything they read seems to reinforce that opinion. It gets really bad when they start Googling 'the next recession'. Wow! They were right. It is just around the corner.
Media. You got to love them; you got to hate them. Playing on people's fears. Trying desperately to sell eyeballs to advertisers. 'How can I get the public's attention? Scare them. That will keep them engaged with my media and the advertisers will pay me more.'
Once fear has taken hold there is very little anyone can do to change their mind. Co-incidentally, it is the same with greed.
Getting back to that recession. Why is it topical now? What is going on in the world that suggests the next recession is just around the corner? I've had a good think about this and together with a few good writers on the subject think that the following might be having an impact on people's confidence:
Look, Donald Trump is the most dangerous item on the world stage right now but I wouldn't try and out-guess him. It doesn't look good what he is doing with Iran, North Korea or China but Trump could be gone by November 3 next year.
Keep asking great questions ...