Empowering women through smart money moves

I learned in my life that a man is not a financial plan.
I married at 40, which for my husband was a second marriage. At the time I was an independent person with my own career and enjoying looking after myself.
Bringing two independent people together in a new relationship is a miracle in itself, but for me, putting our financial lives together was more than just checking the bank balance every so often.
My husband earns more than I do and he is closer to retirement than I am, and I know the value of sitting down with an independent third person hearing our personal stories come out, getting them down on the same page and prioritising our plans, together.
‘Winging it’ never did cut the mustard for me.
Some of our dreams are separate. We will not do everything together all the time. Knowing what each of us wants without having to do everything together is important to me as a woman.
I also want some control over the direction my life takes. This feeling of retaining some independence and control over my life and our finances has never gone away, just because I got married and to a man that earns more than I do.
I am a woman who needs to know where I am going and where we are going as a couple too.
About 17 years ago, my new husband said he thought that I should become a financial adviser. He said that women have a different perspective to men when it comes to money and investing, and the world needed more female financial advisers. Seven years later I was a fully qualified financial adviser working for Polson Higgs Wealth Management based in Christchurch.
In the 25 years I have been working in the financial planning world, I have noticed that few women I meet are fully engaged in their finances or planning for their lives after work, mostly leaving it up to their husbands, and sometimes to no one.
As financial advisers we have always known the value of having a written personal financial plan and a third-party adviser. It is true for women and men on their own, as it is for couples.
Statistically, women live longer than men and earn less. In New Zealand, the gender pay gap was more than 9% in the June 2019 quarter according to Stats NZ (August 2019). This means that women will require more money saved for what is likely to be a longer retirement.
For women over 50, they need reassurance they will not run out of money or be a burden on their families. This is extremely important for widowed or divorced women.
Sorting out these issues is not dependent on how much money we have. These issues are true for the rich, and the not-so-rich.
A 2017 study conducted by Fidelity found that women earn higher returns on their investments and save more than men by about 0.4% per annum. This number may seem small, but, over time, that small number has a significant impact on their overall wealth.
We have created personal financial plans for many women on their own. One professional client who had worked hard all her life, brought up her children on her own and knew she needed to save for her retirement. She did not have the time to research her options, nor the expertise as to how or what to invest in so came to me for help. She was very excited when we produced her financial plan as it was totally about her and she could see that she could, if she followed it, retire and live a better lifestyle than she had imagined during her life after work. She appreciated that we didn’t push her, but took the time for her to gain confidence in me.
Studies show that clients developing a personal financial plan with a financial adviser make better overall decisions. A financial adviser helps you stay on track as financial plans are reviewed annually and altered for life changes along the way.
For us, 2020 is ‘The Year of the Personal Financial Plan,’ and remember, women make great investors when they keep to their natural instincts.